Form Six Mock Results Tanga 2024/2025 announced so everyone can get pdf of his school results from LusaElimu. To get Pdf of Mock Tanga Results for Form Six Click the Below Link that will direct you to new page of Tangaacademy website where you can download the pdf.
To get pdf of your school just click the letter of your school then find full name of your school if you find it click on it to allow the pdf downloaded and stored in your phone.
Students also wish to see their results to get motivated and evaluate their abilities and know where to increase more effort to prepare for end exam, Necta 2025.
This paper conducted before the actual exam that access the students knowledge and contents they have, Mock Exam always seen be hard because is full competent and cover all topics that seen as challenge for some schools.
Importance of announcement of Mock Results Tanga 2024/2025
1. Mock Tanga Results give students chance to make evaluation against their abilities.
2. Encourage attention and gives students motivation to learn smart and hard for end exam.
3. Help students to know their weakness and come up with better solution of their qeakness.