MOEDP DARASA LA SABA WEEKLY EXAMS GROUP - Is an educational WhatsApp group (Platform) that aims to facilitate the teacher and student in the best way to access exams and educational documents. The services we will provide to the teachers who will join the group are as follows:
1. New exams to be prepared by MOEDP Every week for private and government primary schools only
2. Sending Standard Seven mock, district and individual school exams held in various regions and districts
3. Free Scheme of Work for teachers who will be in the group
4. All academic documents except lesson plan.
❖ These services will be provided in MOEDP weekly exams group with great efficiency by donating Tsh 20,000/= for the whole year as a fund for exams setting (writing) and for bundles MOEDP has started this operation of donating a little and get more competence exams. The goal is to reduce the burden of buying exams set every week with high cost for the teachers and students. Our exams will follow the guidelines of exams preparation and the Tanzania new education curriculum.
❖ Operation donate a little and get a lot will help the teacher to be able to test his/her students every week at the lowest cost he/she will contribute when he joins the group. MOEDP we have been working with honesty and care for our customers.
All the Exam of Grade VII Moedp available for free we don't charge any fee to get pdf of the Darasa la Saba Exams 2025 Moedp